RASCALS stands for Regroupement au service des CÉGEPs pour l’anglais langue seconde.
Special interest groups respond to the specific needs, aspirations and concerns of SPEAQ members. An interest group comes from the will and actions of the members of the Association.
A group of SPEAQ members wishing to constitute themselves as a SIG must submit to the Board of Directors a formal application.
SPEAQ encourages its members to form and maintain Special Interest Groups. SPEAQ will provide assistance, financial or otherwise, within the restrictions of its operating budget.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) address specific needs, interests, and concerns of members of SPEAQ.
A SIG originates through the will and actions of members of the Association.
An interest group comes from the will and actions of the members of the Association.
Interest groups must comply with the conditions set out in the policies and procedures manual.
A group of members of the SPEAQ who wish to constitute themselves as an interest group must submit a formal request to the board of directors.
The SPEAQ undertakes to provide assistance, financial or otherwise, within the limits of its operating budget.
All members of a special interest group must be members of the Association.